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RO Day !

RO Club at USTHB had the pleasure to host the second edition of "RO Day" on May 10th, 2018. The event is an entire day dedicated to operational research where speakers from the academic world and companies exhibit and present their work, experiences and advice to the young students of the branch who would like to discover the importance and the potential of their field of study outside the doors of the university.
OR lies underneath almost every aspect of our daily lives, even if we don't even realize it, just as Pr. KHELLADI Abdlekader, who's one of the god fathers of OR in Algeria, has confirmed while talking about the topic during the opening of the event.
"As a matter of fact, the first source and practitioner of OR is our own mother because she makes rational decisions while arranging stock management. The second source, or may I say, idea of OR is "Using the best of what we have while facing problems", using the techniques of OR." As Mr. KHELLADI stated.
The professor also put in bold that the philosophy of OR is linked with Islam with the concept of optimization, under name of "Prohibition of Waste", and mentioned the fact that OR was used way before Algeria's independence, by France's army, who took advantage of its experience in Second World War from UK and USA, and used it in his favor against Algerians.
After Pr. KHELLADI finished his talk, the event carried on with Dr. AMRAN Youssouf , who's a doctor in electronics' engineering and a teacher at the Faculty of Computer Science and Electronics. He defined what a network and its different equipments represent, which means showing exactly the mathematical complexity of electronic networks.
He also talked about the problematic of the integration of the renewable energies, their locations, sizes and their costs that can be solved by using the optimization aspect, which is the only problem that can adjust the network parameters within acceptable limits, in other words, the energy conservation between production and consumption, which can ensure the lines that are in between their boundaries. At last, he concluded his talk with the common methods of optimization in general, and the method he personally uses, which is "The interior point method".
After a brief lunch break, the third speaker Mr. HADDAD Omar, took his place on stage to make his presentation. Mr. HADDAD graduated in Applied Geophysics in 2017 and is now working in the Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics Research Center. He has spoken about the problems of Operational Research in Geophysics.
He pointed out that in their work, they make measurements on plan, and they would like to have continuity between them, so they do what's called the inversion modeling, which is similar to looking for the coefficients in a linear equation. But unfortunately, sometimes they find big errors in the process. Thus why, they always try to minimize those errors by utilizing the methods used in OR to improve those modules.
The penultimate speaker is Mr. BOUZIDI Mehdi, who graduated in Operational Research, Model and Method for Engineering and Research,
he was a Web Application Developer Engineer at Intellix Communication, and now works at El Djazair Information Technology. He talked about the integration of algorithms within companies, in other words, the integration of Operational Research in the professional world, by pointing out the scenarios that they might face.
The ideal scenario is where they have access to the source code, with which they can make a diagram of the already existing database of the proposed solution that they will use to integrate the work. Next, they have to decide which methods to use and which controller is used to place them, for example, the MVC model for the Web.
The least ideal scenario is where they do not have access to the source code, which means developing a simple method by defining the needs that are the parameters of the method. Then give it to the responsible developer to integrate it into the solution.
The last speaker of the event is Mrs. Boufedji Sarah, who was recruited as a RO engineer in OptimaDecision, which is a consulting and planning office for transportation and travel planning.
She briefly talked about how OptimaDecision was created in the first place, and what they actually do. In fact, while facing the new economic, environmental and social constraints, decision-makers need a priori evaluation and an optimization of travel, and that's where OptimaDecision comes in handy because it addresses these needs with a wide range of pre-decision planning, modeling, optimization, evaluation and simulation tools.
Overall, the event was a success because most students left the conference room with a new vision and insight on Operational Research in general and its application in the real world in particular. Moreover, they were enlightened by the experiences and advice of the speakers who have dedicated their time to participate, and who departed with attestations of participation in the event as a sign of gratitude from Club Ro's behalf.
Narimane TAMZAIT
Partenariat Réd-DIG-"Liberté"(#RDL)/ INJAZ El Djazair Alumni

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