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M. US State Secretary, John Kerry, Welcome to Algeria
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Since you will have the privilege to meet the President Bouteflika, now inaccessible, can you please let him know what follows from one of his citizens. Does he knows that his citizens are sad and anxious that he candidates again, after 15 years of hard job of power which led him to a cerebrovascular accident (AVC), despite his illness and his inability to walk and talk normally after this AVC. Does he knows then that they are so many of this citizens being not agree that he candidates again. They had to protest for him and then have been arrested and molested by police.
Does he knows that we often looked for, these last ten months, as at the beginning of his mandate as President of the Republic in 1999, to hear him loudly speaking at the TV as he used to do it often. Does he knows that his candidature to a fourth mandate in his actual well known health situation made us shame, humiliated and despised, especially for overseas, while claiming in the past, before his AVC, that he defends the Algerians dignity. Does he agree with this situation? Does he knows there are especially four persons talking at his name as his representative to do campaign for him. Does he think fair and normal that he is absent during this election campaign, replaced by these four persons, while all the other candidates do their campaign by themselves.
Does he knows that we do not understand these people who excel during this election campaign for him when they know he is ill and will not be able, as currently, to exercise the duties of a president : instead of encouraging and helping him to preserve what it remains or his health by taking rest to get recovered, what he had to do normally few months ago since his AVC which occurred indeed during his duties as President. ls he then aware that he incurs the risk of a second AVC? ls he aware that likely they may govern and take decisions then at his place without having the responsibilities of a President ? Does he agree that such a situation, if it happens, is grave, dangerous for his country and may lead to troubles ? Does he read the newspapers to find out how our talented journalists as well as many citizens or any tendency have mobilized to reach his attention on the danger of the fourth mandate, if it happens, for what remains of his health and for his country ?
Please can you let him know how so many Algerians, disappointed and despaired, apply then each year to the US green card lottery to look for Ieaving their country Algeria to live in US. Many of them are welcome to your country and find out by themselves how indeed America is a land of opportunities, so that one of them has kept his leet in USA while having his hands in Algeria, a land of unfortunately an other kind or opportunities ; every one knows how much Algeria is rich by its natural resources. Please let him know that the real people of Algeria want him to get retired for taking care or himself to recover from his AVC hopefully as soon as possible after 15 years of the hard job of power. Please, if you observe that he cannot support the necessary time to listen this letter, then please let him read it al the moment he feels better.
Sorry to ask for your help with our President, now inaccessible, because I do know that an American citizen cannot imagine such a situation possible in his country and that nobody will let any person to persecute an ill President, unable to walk and talk normally, to make the election campaign by proxy for being again President ; for sure, he will be rather helped to retire to get recovered.
I thank you very much for your help and wish you a nice visit of Algeria, a nice country where a lot of potentialities exist, but...
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