Je publie dans son intégralité mon intervention sur la coopération sino-algérienne lors de la conférence qui a réunit vendredi 13 septembre 2013 une vingtaine de représentants de pays d'Afrique ainsi que des hauts responsables de l'université de Pékin , des membres du parti communiste chinois ainsi que de plusieurs délégations de partis politiques et d'ONG algériennes autour du thème promotion de la relation sino-africaine pour le bien- être. Beijing , september, 13, 2013 Seminar on china africa cooperation , joint effort for livelihood and wealth, Ladies and gentlemen ,Excellences, the Minister, the member of the Chinese communist party , my friend of the African delegation Good morning Algeria - China : beyond friendship relations On behalf of African colleagues, I would like to thank the People's Daily for the invitation and for its great sense of hospitality. It's my second time in China and of course a great opportunity for my colleagues and I to appreciate the development of the emerging country through "understanding china". I would like to thank the Beijing foreign studies university and the china NGO network for international exchanges , china foundation for peace and development, and china education association for international exchange for giving us the opportunity de exchanges views. "How could we qualify the China Africa relationship?" Good overall. With Algeria for instance, China supported the independence war for the liberation of the country from 132 years of french colonization. At the same time, the relationship doesn't evolve till the 2000 s even if the cooperation between the two countries has enhanced the friendship. At that period, through its economic foreign policy, Algeria decided to diversify its partners. Thus, china appeared like the best solution to break down the west embargo settled since the beginning of the political crisis and the terrorism in 1992. Beyond the political support of china to the Algerian stability, Algerian people found out the Chinese know how in construction, buildings, housing and highways. But, at the same time, the quality of some works was not as good as it would be. This is on infrastructure, economic and trade, but on the political side, china seems to became an important support to Arab countries especially in this difficult circumstances which carried uncertainty and hopeless. Since 2005, china made huge investments in Africa and since 2012, china decided to put 140 billion dollars to strengthen its position in a continent which is still a field of maneuver for the former colonizers and the major world powers that want to monopolize the wealth of this continent. Nevertheless, Algerians continue to ask questions about China. Why the Chinese product which is imported to Algeria is not good as the same product which is sold in the European markets and the United States? For sure, Algerians are grateful for the benefits of cooperation with China especially in the school building and high way for example. But the majority of Algerian doesn't know the Chinese culture because probably of the fact that china is very far for Africa even if Algerian people do consider that China remains a great source of knowledge and civilization. For Algeria, foreign investments remains very important, but not at any price or any cost. Algeria does not need credit or money from outside. Algeria had enough with a financial cushion that puts the country as the most economically stable country in northern Africa. The domestic growth is average for the time being thanks to the oil revenues. Algeria needs to go back to work values and in that field china is the best example for all. The main question remains: what is the most important target for Chinese government: trading and investment I mean exclusively economy , or a strategically partnership which includes more political support and more productive investments that would create jobs and wealth. Thank you for your kind attention. Nom Adresse email