Depuis 2009, les allemands avec les français proposent le projet DESERTEC d'un cout de 400 milliards d'euros d'investissement sur 40 ans qui va combler jusqu'à 20% des besoins en électricité de l'Europe. Ceci va aussi permettre à l'Europe de délocaliser son CO2 de 95 % ! Le projet Désertec, est un projet du lobby industriel chapeauté par les politiques. Il veut associer l'Europe, l'Afrique du nord et le Moyen Orient dans le domaine de l'énergie mais la plus grande partie du projet se déroule en Algérie et plus précisément dans le Sud Algérien d'où l'enjeu stratégique de sécuriser cette région loin des bandes islamiques qui ont pris refuge au Nord du Mali ! A cause des problemes sécuritaires, beaucoup d'industriels restent septiques.; retrait de Siemens de la DII (Desertec Industrial Initiative), annoncé fin octobre et de Bosch en novembre à cause de la conjoncture économique. L'Espagne s'est désisté au dernier moment et le projet est toujours en questionnement ! En février 2010, le consul des Etats-Unis à Munich informe Washington sur l'opportunité que l'initiative Desertec pour les industriels américains tout en focalisant sur le problème politique qui DOIT être résolu !!! – révélé par Wikileaks sous la référence 10MUNICH28 –, Le réassureur « s'attend à ce que ce ne soient pas les questions financières ou technologiques, mais les obstacles politiques, qui demanderont dans l'immédiat le plus d'énergie et d'attention de la toute nouvelle société Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII). Bien que le concept Desertec comprenne également le photovoltaïque, l'éolien, l'hydraulique, la biomasse et le géothermique, l'accent est mis sur les centrales thermiques solaires qui devront être situées dans des régions politiquement instables… DII dépendra en particulier des contacts de la France en Afrique du Nord pour surmonter les obstacles politiques dans les pays d'accueil potentiels… » En novembre 2009, les analystes de Stratfor parle de colonisation solaire un article d'Afrol (2 novembre 2009) au sujet de Desertec ; « L'Europe a besoin d'alternatives à l'énergie russe et l'Afrique du Nord est un bon endroit où chercher car, contrairement à son rapport avec la Russie, le rapport de puissance qu'a l'Europe avec l'Afrique est positif. En d'autres mots, si le Mali emmerde [sic] les fermes solaires, l'Europe peut démolir le Mali. Cela dit, ce projet n'irait pas sans poser des problèmes de sécurité : il faudrait encore s'entendre avec toutes sortes de tribus berbères et les réfractaires d'Al-Qaïda essayant de couper les lignes électriques. Ce projet exigerait donc de l'Europe le développement d'une infrastructure de sécurité compétente pour intervenir en profondeur en Afrique du Nord. Les ONG hippies ont raison quand elles disent que ça mènerait à un « colonialisme solaire », sauf que, contrairement à elles, la perspective m'enthousiasme réellement. » Le lien direct entre cette guerre du Mali et le projet Desertec se trouve renforcé avec ces révélations. Ce qui est visé n'est nullement le Mali mais bien l'Algérie. Un chantage est fait à l'état algérien pour signer ces conventions pour les 40 années à venir … ou subir un printemps arabe démocratique ! Jamouli AlgerieNetwork —————————— Voici le rapport de wikileaks faisant état d'un courriel le 3 Novembre 2009 de Michael Wilson de STRATFOR Re: [Fwd: [OS] W SAHARA/GERMANY/ENERGY- Giant Sahara sun power project kicks off] Released on 2012-11-12 08:00 GMT Email-ID 1710075 Date 1970-01-01 01:00:00 From [email protected] To [email protected], [email protected] Thanks Mike for drawing our attention to this. This is not a new project, it has been talked about before. Europe needs alternatives to Russian energy and North Africa is a good place to look for because, unlike with Russia, Europe has a positive power relationship with Africa. In other words, if Mali fucks with its solar harvesters, Europe can take out Mali. That said, it's not like this project would not be without security issues, you'd still have to deal with all sorts of Berber tribes and AQ hold outs trying to cut your power lines. This project would therefore necessitate Europe developing a competenet security infrastructure to intervene deep in North Africa. The hippy NGOs are correct when they say it would lead to « Solar colonialism », except unlike them I am actually excited by the prospect. The Germans are top of the line when it comes to solar technology. This is the function of their circumstances… most of the public is anti nuclear, so they are not able to switch fully to that, and they don't like the dependency on Russia. But is this feasible? I don't know. —– Original Message —– From: « Michael Wilson » [email protected] To: « Eugene Chausovsky » [email protected], « Bayless Parsley » [email protected], « Robert Ladd-Reinfrank » [email protected], « Marko Papic » [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 9:02:36 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central Subject: [Fwd: [OS] W SAHARA/GERMANY/ENERGY- Giant Sahara sun power project kicks off] ha! Giant Sahara sun power project kicks off 2 November – Untill now laughed upon as an environmentalist wet dream, Germany's main power companies now invest real money in a project that could change the face of the Sahara desert. A giant solar energy project in the desert is to provide Europe with 15% of its electricity needs. This time, it is for real. Twelve major companies in the electricity and finance sectors gathered in Munich to create the foundation « Desertec Industrial Initiative. » The euro 400 billion initiative is to secure giant solar energy projects in North Africa. The consortium includes Germany's most known giant companies, such as Deutsche Bank and Siemens and the country's leading energy companies E.on and RWE. Also Swiss-Swedish ABB is on the team. The German government, eager to become less dependent on Russian gas, has already expressed its support to the initiative. While Desertec was founded already in 2007, this weekend's development means that the long-known idea finally has been found as realistic by Europe's main companies, now willing to invest in the initiative. And the initiative has not been scaled down after passing through the capital reality check. Indeed, Desertec aims at starting its first energy production already in 2015. By 2050, some euro 400 billion are to be invested, and by that time Desertec is to provide Europe with some 15 percent of its energy needs. Saharan solar power thus is seen as the most realistic large-scale energy production that is environmentally friendly and can substitute fossil fuels during the next decades. In addition to meeting environmental demands, it also is to contribute to the economic development of Europe's next door neighbours in North Africa. Paul van Son, the Dutch CEO of the new consortium, assures that North African states also will get their share of economic and power gains from the giant project. African consumer were to get their fair share of power supply and infrastructure, Mr van Son emphasised. But the relative low population density in North Africa would still give a great power surplus for Europe, Desertec holds. No decisions have been made yet on where the focal point of solar energy production would be. Plans are for landing power in South Spain, meaning it needs to pass from Morocco over the Straight of Gibraltar. But the vague maps of production indicate that Algeria's, Mauritania's and Mali's vast deserts may become key production sites. Other landing sites could be via South Italy – including Libyan and Egyptian production sites – and Greece. Technology now was ready to use, the consortium holds. It plans to use improved concentrated solar power technology, which uses the sun to heat water to very high temperatures, fuelling power steam turbines to generate electricity. Giant mirrors are to concentrate solar rays to heat the water. The problem of energy loss on long transport ways to Europe was to be solved by newly developed hi-tech cables that suffer little conductive loss of power. Desertec's plans have generally been welcomed by the public, politicians and state leaders as an innovative way to secure environmentally sustainable energy for Europe. Several African governments already had indicated their interest is providing production sites, according to Desertec. Only some development NGOs have warned against a « new solar colonialism. » Additionally, some German market analysts during the weekend doubted the giant project could ever be realised. CEO van Son today answered critics saying the Sahara was « a paradise » for solar energy harvesting. By staff writers A(c) afrol News — Michael Wilson STRATFOR Austin, Texas [email protected] (512) 744-4300 ex. 4112