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Publié dans Batna Info le 22 - 10 - 2010

Le Meilleur Entraîneur Mondial de la 1ère Décennie (2001-2010)
The World‘s Best Coach of the 1st Decade (2001-2010)
The roles of a national coach and a club coach are very different and their interests often contrary. For this reason the IFFHS has carried out separate annual world votings from the start. The experience of about a decade has shown that this is the most appropriate approach. However, it is not unusual for the best club coaches to become national coaches. And not rare a coach takes over after his job as national coach again the function of a club coach. So it is logically, for the purposes of a world ranking it is sensible to unite the two categories of coaches; this also allows for an examination over a longer period [the equivalent of coach in Great Britain is the manager].
Establishing The World‘s best Coach of the 1st Decade of the 21st Century can only on be done on the basis of the annual world vote (by IFFHS), by taking each year's vote as representing 10 % of the value for the decade. Each year jurors from different many countries have taken part in the vote and, in addition, the jurors in the early years voted for the top three places (3 points to 1 point), and later for the top four places (4 points to 1 point). So it would not be possible to simply add the points awarded in the annual votes.
The IFFHS has devised an equitable method for establishing the The World‘s best Coach of the 1st Decade of the 21st Century. From the annual world rankings of the coaches (a result of the world votings) the IFFHS will take into consideration the “Top 20″ for each year and allocate points to each place. So the first-placed receives 20 points, the second-placed 19 points, the third-placed 18 points … and a point for twentieth place. If the annual world ranking comprises more than 20 coaches, then the coaches from 21st place onwards receive no points. If the annual world ranking comprises fewer than 20 coaches (based on the fixed rules), no points will be awarded for the unoccupied places. Adding the points from the individual years of both categories provides a world ranking for the period 2001-2010. The first-placed goalkeeper in this final world ranking is The World‘s best Coach of the 1st Decade of the 21st Century.
It important to take into consideration for each year the “Top 20″ of The World‘s best National Coach and the “Top 20″ of The World‘s best Club Coach. Each of the annual votes produces 5 % of the points for the decade. Calculating the points gained during the first nine years reveals that there the final postions of all the 162 coaches from the 1st decade are as yet undecided. Only the world votes in 2010 for two categories of coaches will clarify who will occupy which place; the results of the final ranking will be published in January 2011.
Of those six coaches who have achieved already hundred or more points it is notable that the Portuguese José Mourinho is by some distance the youngest coach. Mathematically, it is already certain that the Frenchman Arsène Wenger and the Scot Sir Alexander Ferguson will be among the top three coaches of the 1st Decade (2001-2010). The first-placed coach of the 1st Decade (2001-2010) will be invited to, and honoured at the World Football Gala 2011.
Here is the ranking of The World‘s best Coach of the 1st Decade of the 21st Century after nine of ten years:
Coach Nationality Points Points ∑ Points
2001-2009 plus 2010 2001-2010
1. Arsène Wenger France 142
2. Sir Alexander Ferguson Scotland 133
3. José Mário dos Santos Mourinho Felix Portugal 115
4. Guus Hiddink Nederland 112
5. Fabio Capello Italia 106
6. Luiz Felipe Scolari Brasil 101
7. Rafael Benítez España 97
8. Carlo Ancelotti Italia 92
9. Marcello Lippi Italia 88
10. Marcelo Alberto Bielsa Argentina 86
11. Franklin Rijkaard Nederland 80
12. Sven-Göran Eriksson Sverige 79
13. Karel Brückner Česká Republika 76
14. Carlos Alberto Gomes Parreira Brasil 65
Vicente del Bosque España 65
16. Otto Rehhagel Deutschland 61
17. Ottmar Hitzfeld Deutschland 58
18. Carlos Bianchi Argentina 53
19. Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri »Dunga« Brasil 50
Gerard Houllier France 50
21. José Néstor Pekerman Argentina 49
22. Felix Magath Deutschland 48
Giovanni Trapattoni Italia 48
24. Roberto Mancini Italia 46
25. Marcel van Basten Nederland 40
26. Bruce Arena USA 39
Joachim Löw Deutschland 39
28. Morten Olsen Danmark 37
29. Juande la Cruz Ramos Cano España 36
Rudolf Völler Deutschland 36
31. José Luis Aragonés Suárez España 35
32. Dirk Nicolaat “Dick” Advocaat Nederland 32
Raymond Domenech France 32
34. Roger Lemerre France 30
35. Arthur Antunes Coimbra »Zico« Brasil 29
Héctor Raúl Cúper Argentina 29
Manuel Pellegrini Chile 29
Slaven Bilić Hrvatska 29
39. Jürgen Klinsmann Deutschland 28
40. Muricy Ramalho Brasil 27
41. José Antonio Camacho España 26
Mircea Lucescu România 26
43. Ricardo Antonio La Volpe México 25
Şenol Güneş Türkiye 25
45. Javier Iruretagoyena »Irureta« España 24
Oleg Blokhin Ukraina 24
Philippe Troussier France 24
Wanderley Luxemburgo Brasil 24
49. Bert van Marwick Nederland 22
Winfried Schäfer Deutschland 22
51. Hassan Shehata Egypt 21
Jakob Kuhn Schweiz 21
53. Didier Deschamps France 20
54. Jacques Santini France 20
Joseph Guardiola España 20
Manuel José Jesús Silva Portugal 20
57. Aleksandrs Starkovs Latvija 19
Bruno Metsu France 19
Roberto Donadoni Italia 19
60. Alfio Rubén Oscar Basile Argentina 18
Edgardo Bauza Argentina 18
Fatih Terim Türkiye 18
Jorvan Vieira Brasil 18
Klaus Toppmöller Deutschland 18
Leo Beenhakker Nederland 18
66. Alejandro Javier Sabella Argentina 17
Sergio Daniel Batista Argentina 17
Srecko Katanec Slovenija 17
69. Claudio Ranieri Italia 16
David O'Leary Ireland 16
Hugo Sánchez México 16
Nery Alberto Pumpido Argentina 16
Robert Bradley USA 16
74. Abel Carlos da Silva Braga Brasil 15
Carlos Luis Ischia Argentina 15
Jerzy Engel Polska 15
Valery Gazzaev Russia 15
78. Javier Aguierre México 14
Luis Fernando Montoya Colombia 14
Paulo Autuori de Mello Brasil 14
81. Avram Grant Israel 13
Christian Gross Schweiz 13
Gerardo Daniel Martino Argentina 13
Laurent Robert Blanc France 13
85. António Luís Alves Ribeiro Oliveira Portugal 12
Henri Michel France 12
Jorge Daniel Fossatti Uruguay 12
Luciano Spalletti Italia 12
Luis Fernando Suárez Colombia 12
Miguel Ángel Russo Argentina 12
Ratomir Dujković Jugoslavija 12
Rodomir Antić Srbija 12
Ronald Koeman Nederland 12
94. Adnan Hamad Majeed Iraq 11
Anghel Iordanescu România 11
Claudio Borghi Argentina 11
Emerson Leão Brasil 11
Gustavo Julio Alfaro Argentina 11
Jair Picemi Brasil 11
Martin O'Neill Northern Ireland 11
101. Adenor Leonardo Bachi »Tite« Brasil 10
Claudio Gentile Italia 10
Kurban Berdyev Russia 10
Matthias Sammer Deutschland 10
Joseph Michael McCarthy England / Eire 10
Thomas Schaaf Deutschland 10
Vladimir Weiss Slovensko 10
108. Alexandre Borges Guimarães Brasil / Costa Rica 9
Branko Ivanković Hrvatska 9
Francisco Guidolin Italia 9
José Manuel Esnal »Mane« España 9
112. Matjaž Kek Slovenija 9
Richard Alfred Páez Venezuela 9
Silvia Neid Deutschland 9
Velibor Milutinović Srbija 9
116. Guy Roux France 8
117. Carlos Rexach España 7
Ralf Rangnick Deutschland 7
Sergio Markarián Uruguay 7
Sérgio Ricardo de Paiva Farias Brasil 7
Sir Robert Robson England 7
122. Alexander McLeish Scotland 6
Aloysius Paulus Maria “Louis” van Gaal Nederland 6
Américo Galego Argentina 6
Diego Garzitto France 6
Freddy Ternero Corrales Perú 6
Hugo Daniel Tocalli Argentina 6
Joel Santana Brasil 6
Jong-Hun Kim Korea DPR 6
José Ignacio “Iñaki” Sáez España 6
Juan Ramón Carrasco Uruguay 6
Rabah Sâadane Algérie 6
Samson Siasia Nigeria 6
134. Bertrand Marchand France 5
Holger Osieck Deutschland 5
José Luís Trejo México 5
Stephen Keshi Nigeria 5
Unal Emery Etxegoien España 5
139. Jean-François De Sart Belgique 4
Miroslav Blažević Bosne i Herzegovine 4
Pawel Janas Polska 4
Temuri Ketsbaia Georgia 4
Víctor Haroldo Púa Uruguay 4
Viktor M. Goncharenko Belarus 4
145. Dr. Francisco Maturana Colombia 3
Ernesto Valverde Tejedor España 3
Hernán Medford Costa Rica 3
Luigi Del Negri Italia 3
Manuel Lapuente México 3
Ramón Armando Cabrero Argentina 3
Ricardo Raimundo Gomes Brasil 3
Victor Piţurcă România 3
153. Jacobus “Co” Adriaanse Nederland 2
Akira Nishino Japan 2
Ramón Enrique Maradiaga Honduras 2
Rubén Dario Insúa Argentina 2
157. Ilija Petković Srbija 1
Mehmed Baždarević Bosne i Herzegovine 1
Oleg Romantsev Russia 1
Reinaldo Rueda Colombia 1
Tommy Söderberg Sverige 1

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